FaZe Rug

FaZe Rug, a YouTuber who is extremely popular is director of FaZe Clan. This is an eSports organisation that is comprised primarily of Call of Duty players. He first came to the attention of fans when his prank videos were uploaded on YouTube. The videos soon became popular , and one of his videos titled "Cocaine Prank" has racked up 22 million views to date. FaZe Rug also uploads videos as well as "call-of duty" videos to his YouTube channel. His channel is home to over 19 million subscribers. His vlogsand prank videos as well as videos that have lots of humor receive more viewers than his call-of-duty videos. His parents and brother appear in a variety of his videos. FaZe Rug became famous after the public began to watch his videos on pranks were played on people. He was determined to share his childhood memories with the world and also have fun. He started recording his pranks and pranks, but only when he decided uploading them onto YouTube was he able to feel satisfaction in sharing them in full with other. As he posted more and more videos on pranks  such as 'call-of duty' and vlogs he realized that people wanted to see more. When he was in his first year of college, he quit and started making videos. Faze Rug's videos are very popular because they look real , and he employs a variety of clever techniques to create videos. His followers number more than 2.5 million on Twitter, and he has more than 5.7 million followers on Instagram. FaZe Rug was conceived by Brian Awadis, a San Diego resident, on the 19th of November in 1996. His parents, originally from Iraq moved to America during the 1980s. They're sometimes called 'Mama Rug and 'Papa Rug. After completing his education and attending college, he lived in San Diego with his brother Brandon.



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